Testing for natural hydrogen & helium prospectivity
Our domestic gas exploration Investment Top End Energy (ASX: TEE) is starting to outline its clean energy strategy by reviewing its projects for helium and natural hydrogen prospectivity.
Today, TEE announced that it has commissioned consultants to assess its existing portfolio of projects to see whether or not the projects are prospective for helium or natural hydrogen.
At the same time, TEE also confirmed that it is looking into potential collaboration opportunities with companies already active in Australia's natural hydrogen/helium space.
As part of our 2022 TEE Investment Memo, we wanted to see TEE outline its forward strategy concerning clean energy projects.
With today's news, TEE has taken a first step towards outlining its overall strategy, which looks like it will be in either the natural hydrogen or helium industry.
TEE has confirmed that following initial studies on prospectivity it would look to do some field surveying/sampling to incorporate all of the data into an extended exploration program in H1-2023.
At this stage, it is still too early for us to analyse TEE's strategy. We will be watching to see what comes from the prospectivity studies before providing a deeper dive into the company's natural hydrogen/helium potential.