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SGA Pre Feasibility Study released


Published 12-AUG-2024 10:52 A.M.


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Sarytogan Graphite (ASX: SGA) just put out its Pre Feasibility Study (PFS).

Today’s news has been years in the making - for highest grade and second biggest contained graphite resource on the ASX.

And now we get a first look at the potential economics of SGA’s project:

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It was interesting to see SGA breakdown the PFS into four different stages where it can scale up the project depending on market conditions.

The starter development sees NPV of US$151M for CAPEX of just US$62M.

AND NPV climbs to US$518M by Stage 2A - for total CAPEX of US$256M.

SGA’s current market cap is just ~$23M which means the company is trading at ~10% of its stage 1 NPV of US$151M ($230M)…

AND at less than 3% of its stage 2a development scenario.

Now that SGA has project economics backing up its project we are hoping the market re-rates SGA to a level that is more in line with valuations we typically see for companies with feasibility studies released.

Usually that multiple is a lot higher than <3% of the fully developed PFS Net Present Value.

Of course there is no guarantee that this will happen, as investors stay

SGA put out a really good video which gives a good overview of its project and the PFS here:

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How does today's news impact our SGA Investment Memo?

Objective #3: Commence Scoping Study on project economics and feasibility

Commence scoping and feasibility studies on its project. We think this will likely be in the form of a “Scoping Study” in the first instance.

The results of objectives #1 and #2 will constitute key inputs into any feasibility and economic study.

✅ Begin preliminary economic assessments

Source: “What do we expect SGA to deliver” 22 July 2022 SGA Investment Memo

Initially we had wanted to see SGA put out a scoping study for its project.

Todays PFS is over and above the expectation set as part of our Investment Memo back in 2022.

What’s next for SGA?

SGA had a slide in today’s presentation which laid out the next steps for its project.

Almost all of these are precursors for a Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS).

SGA also mentions that mining permits will be an area of focus next.

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