IVZ’s sidetrack well being drilled now
his morning Invictus Energy (ASX: IVZ) started drilling its Mukuyu-2 sidetrack well.
Right now, IVZ is toward the end of its second ever drill program at its oil & gas project in Zimbabwe.
With its current drill program, IVZ is going after a prospective resource of ~1.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent.
Across its whole project IVZ has a prospective resource of ~5.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

Last year IVZ confirmed a “working conventional hydrocarbon system” at its project.
The main objective of this year's well is to try and bring an oil/gas sample up to surface so that a discovery can be declared.
So far, after two drill programs here is what IVZ has found so far:

What’s next for IVZ?
Wireline logging and sampling of the Mukuyu-2 sidetrack well 🔄
IVZ started drilling the sidetrack well today and has previously said that from start to final results should take 21-28 days.
That means we should see final results and whether or not IVZ can make a discovery BEFORE Christmas.

What a discovery could mean for IVZ:
We put out a detailed note on IVZ on Friday which touches on what a discovery could mean for IVZ.
Check out that note here: Just days away now… the IVZ result we have been waiting for