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PFE’s lithium well re-entry “imminent”


Published 28-AUG-2024 11:35 A.M.


3 min read

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Ready to go.

We’ve been eagerly awaiting this moment.

Today, our US lithium Investment Pantera Minerals (ASX: PFE) said that it will access a Smackover production well and a disposal well allowing for potential DLE pilot plant location.

A re-entry program is “imminent.”

A sample (high grade we hope) from the re-entry program could validate the prospectivity of PFE’s now ~26,000 acre project in the USA’s lithium heartland - the Smackover, Arkansas.

A high grade sample could increase the look through valuation of PFE’s acreage too, given that Standard Lithium (one of PFE’s neighbours) sealed a deal of up to $160M in a JV arrangement with Norway’s $125BN capped Equinor.

Now, we’re well aware that the lithium space is hardly on a tear - with prices depressed many companies are suffering.

We think PFE has been caught up in that as well.

But, the corporate transactions in the area around PFE tell a different story.

Energy majors have ploughed immense sums of money into the Smackover and are paying $100s of millions for access to the region's lithium rich brine projects.

The big money players may know what they’re doing here - Exxon (who is next door to PFE) was behind early lithium ion-batteries in the 1970s. (Source)

Joe Lowry (Mr. Lithium) who leads the excellent Global Lithium podcast is backing Exxon to hopefully make it work in the Smackover:

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(We think PFE knows what they are doing too)

So let’s see what type of lithium concentrations show up in this upcoming well re-entry program…

How does this news impact our PFE Investment Memo?

Why did we invest in PFE?

PFE right next door to $643BN Exxon

Exxon reportedly spent >US$100M acquiring its project and just started drilling its first well 6 weeks ago with a view of getting to first production by 2027.

Surrounded by (much) bigger players

PFE is also in the same neighborhood as $25BN Albemarle, $383M Standard Lithium, $790M Tetra Technologies.

Cheap re-entry into historical oil wells

PFE doesn't have to drill new wells, instead, it can just re-enter old oil and gas wells and extract lithium brines. This is cheaper to do than drilling whole new wells.

Source: 4 March 2024 PFE Investment Memo

We’re Invested for these reasons and PFE’s work is delivering across these reasons.

However commodity price risk has materialised:

Commodity price risk

Lithium prices have pulled back relatively strongly recently and that is impacting investor interest in small cap lithium companies. There is a chance the lithium price stays low for an extended period of time which would impact PFE’s share price negatively.

We’re hoping material progress eventually brings PFE success into a rebounding lithium price - we think things could be very different in 2025 for lithium and this will make for better market sentiment towards lithium companies like PFE.

Source: 4 March 2024 PFE Investment Memo

What’s next for PFE?

  • Receive SLB's 3D subsurface model to guide well targeting (learn more in our Quick Take)
  • Re-enter an existing well to test lithium brine grades and characteristics
  • Conduct DLE test work on brine samples with technology providers
  • Continue expanding land position through further lease acquisitions

Read our latest note on PFE:

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Pantera to re-enter wells for lithium brine as oil major neighbour Exxon starts pre-sales of lithium