LNR has visuals of 30m of kaolin from 4m
Our rare earths Investment, Lanthanein Resources (ASX:LNR) announced today that it had intersected “high quality” kaolin at its Koolya Project in WA.
The best visual result of 30m from a 4m depth looks like this on the drill site:

While we await the assays from LNR’s maiden drill campaign at the Lyons prospect in Gascoyne, WA we think this is a promising early sign from the kaolin project.
LNR will now analyse the samples to, “quantify the specific characteristics such as ISO Brightness, Alumina content, presence of Halloysite and rare earth elements.”
These are all important factors to determine the overall economic viability of the deposit which essentially starts at surface level.
What’s next for LNR? The Lyons assays and a follow up drilling campaign at a large carbonatite structure in the coming year.