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GTR appoints Ex Cameco Australia director


Published 04-JUN-2024 10:04 A.M.


1 min read

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Our US uranium Investment GTI Energy (ASX: GTR) just appointed the ex-head of Cameco Australia as its new director.

GTR announced Simon Williamson as a new non-executive director.

Simon was General Manager & director of Cameco Australia until late 2023, spending ~13 years at Cameco.

Simon’s appointment is especially interesting for us considering the two key pillars of what we think is GTR’s strategy:

GTR JORC Resource

  1. GTR’ is looking to grow its existing 7.37mlbs JORC uranium resources
  2. GTR’s projects sit within ~160km of 7 permitted uranium processing facilities and ~16km away from Cameco’s Smith Ranch-Highland plant (the USA’s biggest ISR uranium production facility)

The second factor (Cameco’s ISR plant) is especially important given GTR’s projects are also ISR uranium deposits.

We think this is where Simon’s appointment fits in.

GTR Wyoming ISR Production Facilities

Here is what GTI’s CEO Bruce Lane had to say about the appointment:

GTi Energy Web Broadcast


What’s next for GTR?

Drill permitting for projects in Wyoming 🔄

GTR expects to be drilling at its Lo Herma project in July.

At the moment the only hurdle is drill permitting.

JORC resource upgrades 🔄

Off the back of the drilling we want to see GTR increase its JORC resources - at the moment, GTR has guided for the JORC resource upgrades in Q4-2024.