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Exploration luck in its corner, TG1 drilling for copper in WA


Published 02-SEP-2022 14:40 P.M.


46.2 seconds read

This morning our junior exploration Investment Techgen Metals (ASX: TG1) started drilling its copper project in WA.

TG1 the program will consist of 12 RC drillholes over 2,000m.

The program will target a cluster of four prospects that sit on top of high grade rock chips where grades have come back as high as 54.8% copper and 249g/t silver.

More importantly though, right underneath the rock chips, TG1 has two high priority geophysical anomalies to go after.

This means that the company now has both geophysics and geochemical works pointing at the same spot across two targets (TA1 & TA2).

This type of correlated data usually increases the likelihood of drilling being successful, however, nothing is certain until the assays are in.

Drilling will target TA1 to TA4 in the image below with TA1 and TA2 being the highest priority targets (where the geophysical anomalies and high grade rock chips are).

We are looking forward to results from this program and are hoping those red anomalies can translate to a new discovery.