960.1ppm (~.1%) TREO from Historic Sampling + Pegmatites?
Our rare earths exploration investment, Frontier Resources (ASX:FNT), has found promising results from a historic soil sampling campaign at its second rare earths project in the Gascoyne region.
In yesterday’s announcement, FNT also flagged that they will be on the hunt for lithium at this project as well.
From the soil sampling campaign, the highest recorded presence of Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO) was 960.1ppm.
While not related to our three Key Objectives from our 2022 FNT Investment Memo, we’re pleased with the results from this project - as it indicates to us that FNT is building up a portfolio of promising rare earths exploration projects.
Importantly, the results come from a soil sampling program - which was followed up by a rock chip program in key target areas.
We think that given the fact that rare earths were detected at such an early stage, this bodes well for the rock chip sample assays which are due later this month.
There’s another aspect to FNT’s work at Mt Clere as well - and that’s its prospectivity for lithium.
As per yesterday’s announcement:
“Mt Clere is located along the northern margin of the Yarlarweelor Gneiss Belt, with major bodies of Proterozoic Durlacher Supersuite and Moorarie Supersuite granites also prospective for lithium bearing pegmatites. The review of publicly available data recorded fifty-one (51) pegmatites mapped across the Mt Clere Project area by the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA). The surface extent and potential for these pegmatites to host lithium mineralisation will be a primary focus of initial work programs.”
Below is a map of pegmatite occurrences on FNT’s project (circled in blue):

What’s next for FNT? While we are yet to get word on when drilling will commence at their primary rare earths project in the Gascoyne region, we’re looking forward to the assays from their rock chip sampling program at Mt Clare, which are due later this month.
Here is why we invested in FNT and what we expect them to achieve in 2022 - FNT Investment Memo.