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NTI completes Rett Syndrome Recruitment


Published 26-SEP-2023 16:00 P.M.


2 min read

Shares Held: 8,400,000


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In an earlier than expected boost to NTI’s clinical trial program, the company announced today that recruitment for its Phase I/II Rett Syndrome trial is now complete:

✅ Completion of patient recruitment (H2 CY2023)

The benefit of this is that, the faster the trial moves, the sooner we can see results.

Dr Duthy, NTI’s Executive Director said that results are now expected in “early Q1 CY2024” - which is a quick turnaround.

One of the reasons we Invested in NTI is its pipeline of 3 catalysts, one of which is the results from this Phase I/II Rett syndrome trial.

Read about the significance of the Rett Syndrome trial (and how NTI is following the same strategy as the $1.3BN capped Neuren Pharmaceuticals) in our initiation note on NTI below: Introducing our new Portfolio Addition: Neurotech International (ASX: NTI).

Also, for a quick high-level summary of the reasons we Invested in NTI along with the macro theme behind the company, risks and our Investment Plan be sure to read our NTI Investment Memo: Click here to read our NTI Investment Memo.

Rett Syndrome is a particularly debilitating paediatric neurological disorder tied to neuroinflamation.

Neuren Pharmaceuticals rose from a ~$100M market cap to nearly ~$2BN market cap in three years on FDA approval, and subsequent commercialisation under the orphan drug regime for its Rett Syndrome treatment.

NTI’s biopharmaceutical has already shown promising signs in terms of both safety and efficacy in an Austism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) trial - so we are hoping those results carry over to the Rett Syndrome trial, which has now completed patient recruitment.

What’s next for NTI?

🔄 Results from PANDAS/PANS clinical trial (mid-late September)

This Phase I/II clinical trial is testing the safety and efficacy of NTI’s treatment for a rare paediatric neurological disorder sometimes associated with Streptococcal infections called PANDAS/PANS.

We see these results as potentially helping further establish NTI’s treatment’s safety profile and could be seen as a leading indicator of overall efficacy across neuroinflammatory disorders.

🔄 [New] Results from Rett Syndrome clinical trial (Early Q1 CY2024)

From today’s news NTI has completed recruitment for its Rett Syndrome clinical trial and has set an expected timeframe for results.