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Next Investors

Discover ASX listed small cap stocks

We are a small team of investors building a high performing ASX small cap stock portfolio and sharing our investing journey with our readers for free.

Our Portfolios

Opportunities Portfolio

Next Investors Banner

Special opportunities across a broad range of sectors at an early stage of growth with strong management. Seeking 1,000% plus returns across a medium to long term hold

Time Frame

3 to 5 years

Early Stage Portfolio

Catalyst Hunter Banner

Short term positions in small early stage ASX companies with high potential, near term price catalysts. Focus on resource exploration, early stage tech and biotech

Time Frame

2 to 3 years

Growth Portfolio

Wise Owl Banner

Longer term positions in a variety of sectors. Seeking strong management where traction has been established and company has entered into a growth phase.

Time Frame

4 to 7 years

Biotech Portfolio

Finfeed Banner

Next Biotech is following on from one of Australia’s most successful biotech and life sciences fund managers to select and invest in early to mid-stage ASX listed biotechs.

Time Frame

3 to 5 years

Emerge Portfolio

Emerge Banner

Positions in companies with real assets that had been trading a low valuations due to solvable factors in the medium term, and have been recently recapitalised

Time Frame

3 to 5 years


A Portfolio Company that has exceeded our expectations and either delivered on our “Big Bet” OR delivered an outsized return during our minimum hold period. The company will either continue as a Current Investment OR we may eventually exit the position.

A Portfolio Company that has not delivered on our Investment Memo objectives in a reasonable timeframe, or a key risk has materialised. We hold a position in the hope that it may eventually deliver a surprise outcome or acquire a new project OR we may look to exit these positions to free up capital for new Investments.

A Portfolio Company that we have an active contract with to share our commentary.

The past performance is not and should not be taken as an indication of future performance. Caution should be exercised in assessing past performance. This product, like all other financial products, is subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect future performance.

📢 Active Mandate - A Portfolio Company that we have an active contract with to share our commentary.

Bottom Drawer - A Portfolio Company that has not delivered on our Investment Memo objectives in a reasonable timeframe, or a key risk has materialised. We hold a position in the hope that it may eventually deliver a surprise outcome or acquire a new project OR we may look to exit these positions to free up capital for new Investments.

Current Investment - A Portfolio Company that we hold a position in and are interested in the company.

Past Investment - A Portfolio Company that we no longer hold a position in.

Portfolio Company - A company that has been added to one of our Portfolios (Next Investors, Catalyst Hunter, Next Biotech, Wise-Owl, Emerge).

Trophy Cabinet - A Portfolio Company that has exceeded our expectations and either delivered on our “Big Bet” OR delivered an outsized return during our minimum hold period. The company will either continue as a Current Investment OR we may eventually exit the position.

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A short form commentary on a particular announcement for a stock in our Portfolio or macro news that we publish on our website

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